Lendlease the leadership machine series. Part Nine: If it ain’t broke, break it!

crazy bat

In the last article I covered the power of employee ownership as a licence to act. Today I cover an important arena to deploy that licence. If it ain’t broke then break it was a mantra for innovation, always looking for a better way. Even if that meant reinventing relatively minor things. I remember Stuart Hornery (then CEO) receiving complaints of people reinventing the wheel (e.g. the drawing register) and that it was potentially distracting. His response was very insightful. ‘I would rather that than quashing any sense of the innovative spirit’ (paraphrased).

The power of this was enormous when taken in combination with the other mantras of Lendlease:

  • The market is a very competitive place. We cannot be complacent in any way
  • It is all our responsibility to find ways to improve in a risk managed way
  • Be sensitive to the environment around you
  • Sometimes the best solution is outside the square
  • Develop an advanced ability to identify and manage risk
  • Great leadership requires advanced challenge skills. Get them early when the relative risks are small and continue to develop them
  • Apply them in all areas of business from design, site, operations, management and leadership

None of the above means take unfettered risks and churn the organisation into knots! Remember there are other balancing forces at play eg old turks, the internal gurus etc and the intense need to deliver the results.

Your comments and stories on the ‘if it ain’t broke, break it’ mantra are welcome!

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