Lendlease the leadership machine series. Part Three: the 5 ways of management.

big boss

The five ways of management was simple to articulate but a profound responsibility model alive in Lendlease. It starts with:

  1. self-management
  2. manage your boss
  3. manage your peers
  4. manage your team
  5. manage external stakeholders.

It sounds trivial and what is expected of all of us.

The 5 ways of management

The true power is when you overlay your 5 ways onto that of another creating responsibility redundancy preventing things from falling between the cracks.

Responsibility redundancy of the 5 ways

An example of this in practice. You are sitting in a meeting regarding project progress and the question is raised ‘what is the status of the urgent resource approval?’ Your response may be ‘I am waiting on my manager to approve.’ (ie sitting on my hands). The next statement is ‘what are you doing about it?’ You cannot answer ‘nothing.’ The expectation is that you are following up your manager to ensure the approval is granted in time. It is your responsibility!

Those of us that have lived in this environment know the buck stops with you and action is expected no matter the hierarchy. Hierarchy doesn’t matter, the 5 ways does!

Please share your stories of the 5 ways of management in practice.


2 thoughts on “Lendlease the leadership machine series. Part Three: the 5 ways of management.”

  1. Hey TS, this is exceptionally helpful – less than a minute but punchy and to-the-point! Thanks for posting.

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